music ministry

Hudson Presbyterian Music Ministry


God has given his people the gift of music. We worship not only out of obedience, but out of the love and joy that wells up within our hearts; for he has brought us out of darkness into the glorious light of his kingdom. Through our songs of worship and praise we encourage, teach and admonish one another as we pour out praise to our Lord.


At Hudson Presbyterian Church we want our music to honor the saints who have gone before while we continually seek out fresh musical expressions that speak gospel truth into our lives.


Vocal Music

We have a committed vocal ensemble that we want to grow into a full-sized choir.
If you can learn and carry a vocal part, we would love to have you join us.
The ensemble rehearses weekly and sings in worship about twice a month. No audition necessary!


We would also like to add vocalists to our worship leading team.
Participation in this aspect of the ministry requires an informal audition.

Handbell Choir

Our church has been blessed with a 4-octave set of Malmark handbells and chimes. 

The intergenerational choir rehearses weekly and presents in worship about once a month.
Musicians of all levels, from  novice to seasoned veteran are welcome!


Instrumental Music

Along with congregational singing and choir, we encourage instrumentalists to offer their talents in worship through worship team and special music. We have been blessed with a fine Rodgers organ and Baldwin grand piano. We also use keyboard occasionally and are eager to add other instruments.